
  • October 01, 2022

Learn How to Help Your Child Succeed at School

Many parents are always confused about what they can do to help their kids excel well at school. Knowing how much support you need to offer can be a delicate balance—and also depends on the age of your child. Too much help can easily make them dependent on you or doing it for them and too little can make them frustrated and angry at times.

Learn more about the ideal ways to support your child's academic endeavours by enrolling them in one of the top CBSE Schools in Chennai. We offer help and understanding when a child wants to communicate with its teachers and act as strong pillars in fostering your child's self-advocacy, time management, and intellectual skills.

  • 1. Remember To Value the Process Over the Product Mostly all young children are said to be curious and are naturally driven to learn and explore. They are at the very crux of their lifelong quest to help understand their surroundings and gain mastery of the world around them. As they reach out, learn and unlearn again, they gain a more justified sense of mastery, competence and leadership.
  • 2. Value Long-Term Goals Over Grades One easy and simple way to invest in the moulding process of your child is to set goals, both individually and as a family. Remember to do this at the beginning of a new school year, the first of the month, or the beginning of a new session. Keep it light and low-pressure while discussing the matter. This process isn’t about getting better grades, it’s about supporting their path towards being a better human as a family.
  • 3. Develop a Long-Term Perspective Education and parenting are both long-haul endeavours, and improvements are something we don't see on a daily basis. Don’t live in the daily emergency of getting this math homework or this test done. Instead, think about where you’d like your child to be in a year or five years in terms of growth and development. We are one of the top CBSE Schools in Chennai that helps children adapt and grow in response to their environment developing key skills required to become successful personalities.
  • 4. Help Kids Create Effective Good Routines Present your child with simple morning routines like chores and homework time as a problem to be solved together. In a quiet and calm moment manner express that you know, mornings can be really tiring around here and it’s hard for everyone to remember to get out the door with everything they require for the day. Ask them how they think their contribution can make mornings easier and happier.
  • 5. Create A Plan For Using Technology Have a plan in place for family tech usage as too much of it can hamper them. This can be created keeping in mind the minutes, data or context. If you want family dinners and homework to be named tech-free zones, then make everyone agree to that ahead of time. Even you can make them sign a tech contract. Some kids respond to the clarity of a signed contract which you can later point to as a reference.

Beyond just teaching academics and excelling in curriculum we are one of the top CBSE schools in Chennai that can foster students’ development in their relationships, identity, emotional skills, and overall well-being in order to mould them into strong professional minds.