San Academy Kamakoti Nagar Clubs Explore Your Passions

Club Activities


The joy and benefits of experiential learning can never be overlooked. The concept of CLUBS is seen as an opportunity for adaptation to life in the group, forming good life long habits and cultivating a voluntaristic spirit. Club activities supplement academics and give the students practical training which they require in day to day life. The school has a wide range of clubs that promote learning by combining recreational and educational factors.

Literary Club

Literary Club explores the various dimensions of Literature. This not only enhances the ability of writing but also brings out the innate creativity in students. It is an attempt to identify the emerging literary skills in students and to foreground their creative and artistic skills. The literary club is intended to motivate the students in preparing them for real tasks outside the classroom, making them proficient in communication skills, oratorical skills and providing the opportunity for students to showcase their talents as in the case of dramatics. Students are groomed to confidently express themselves in activities such as Just-a-minute, Debates, Spin a Yarn, Block and Tackle etc.

Literary Club

Engaging in a hobby leads to acquiring substantial skills, knowledge and experience. At San Academy, we believe in a holistic approach towards education and thus encourage the cultivation of hobbies. To cherish special talent in students, the hobby club provides plentiful activities like Jewellery making, Vegetable printing, Paper craft, Gift wrapping techniques, Gift box making, Worli painting and lot more to promote the students to utilize their imaginative strength and skills and develop their artistic talents in a particular field.

Sports Club

“A sound mind in a sound body”. Physical exercise for growing children is imperative for a healthy body and mind. We provide a robust physical activity programme which engages the students in Indoor and Outdoor sports.

Creative arts club

Every child is born with untapped creativity and talent. Tapping the latent talent and showcasing it is the prime agenda of our creative Arts club. Tanjore painting, Mural painting, Pot painting, Emboss painting, Glass painting are some of the few activities that the students can choose to experience in our school.

Dramatics club

The dramatics club is a place for all the theatre lovers and enthusiasts. A plethora of talented individuals join every year to realize their dream of taking to the stage. The Dramatic Club encourages dramatic presentations by students in the form of skits, mime, plays etc. The club also gets the opportunity to present a play in one of the events in our school.The Club is dedicated to bringing the joy and power of Drama to students by providing high quality dramatic programming at the beginner and intermediate levels and provide them the chance to experience the excitement by building their confidence and the ability to work with others.

ECO Club

Eco clubs in schools will empower students to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects. It is a forum through which students can reach out to influence, engage their parents and neighbourhood communities to promote sound environmental behaviour. It will empower students to explore environmental concepts and actions beyond the confines of a syllabus or curriculum. While everyone, everywhere, asserts the importance of ‘learning to live sustainably,’ environment remains a peripheral issue in the formal schooling system. We engage students in lot of awareness programme to instil love for nature and its protection.

Karuna Club

The sole objective of Karuna Club is to awaken in children and young adults the inherent love, kindness and compassion towards all 26 living beings, plants, animals and fellow human beings; as well as to appreciate and help in their own way to conserve our environment. Our objective is to inculcate in students a reverence for all forms of life as well as concern for the Environment.

Robotics Club

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is more important than ever in this high-tech, fast-paced world. Our Robotic classes focuses on problem-solving and exploratory learning by encouraging students to work in teams to actively engage in challenges and discover solutions.