Sports & Fun: San Academy Kamakoti Nagar Sports Meet

Annual Sports Meet



Venue: YMCA Grounds, Nandanam, Anna Salai

Classes: Nursery – V

Time: 9.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m

Date: 06.08.2017

The First Annual sports meet of our SAN ACADEMY, KAMAKOTI NAGAR branch was held on 06.08.2017 Sunday in YMCA grounds, Nandanam. The theme of the Sports day was Beach. The atmosphere of the ground took a Beach look. The great interest and excitement was observed among the students and their parents. All of them came in a large number to enjoy the sports program. Ms.Latha Krishna, Executive director of Krishnaswamy associates was the chief guest and Mr.Bhoobalan of International player of Basket Ball was the special guest. SAN ACADEMY Band took a pride to honour the chief guests with their loud drums and trumpets. School Pupil Leader Mr.Mohammed Affan escorted the chief guests to the dais. Program started with melodious “Thamizh Thai Vaazhththu” followed by the beautiful explanation about the theme “ BEACH”. Chief Guest Ms. Latha Krishna was called upon to hoist the national flag and both the chief guests witnessed the magnificent parade of our children from classes Nursery-V. The grand march past was begun with two horses followed by SAN Band and then the group of students with an attire of Indian Navy. The marching of the students of houses Agni and Prithvi led by their captains and assistant captains was cheerful one. The children were marching to the drumbeat, synchronized in steps and spirit. Finally when Kindergarten depicted the life at beach side with their colourful attires of Fisher man and woman, swimmers, surfers, all we could do was stare at them, cheer and clap. After that the torch relay happened with Sports Captain, Tarun Mario Vijay and he lit the Olympic torch. Then the chief guest announced that theFirst Sports Meet of SAN ACADEMY, KAMAKOTI NAGAR BRANCH was Open. Then the events began. Parents were highly pleased at students’ performances in track events, drills, silambam and karate display. The air was filled with cheering and tons of encouragement for the young athletes. The students of kindergarten dressed in crimson brown and danced with multi coloured pompoms in their hands were a feast to the eyes. Classes I and II fascinated the audience with their colourful big parachutes. The last event, an AHA! Classes III-V children stunned the audience with various complex formations with colourful clothes. It was like a magic show! To mark the tribute to our 70th Independence Day, the tri colour papers were shot up to reach the sky. It was a wonderful experience. The winners were awarded medals and certificates by the chief guests. Children became very happy for getting the prizes. Parents showed the same energy and enthusiasm when their events took place. After the sports, Chief guests inspired the students with their short speech. The sports meet concluded with a vote of thanks.

1 Champion House : PRITHVI (323 pts)
2 Runners Up House : AGNI (274 PTS)
3 Best house in March Past : AGNI (40 pts)
4 Runners Up House in March past : PRITHVI (36pts)
5 Individual Champions – BOYS (TIE) : TARUN MARIO VIJAY, VA – AGNI (30 pts) & MOHAMMED AFFAN, VA – PRITHVI (30 pts)
6 Individual Championship – GIRL : VETHAVARNA , IV, PRITHVI (35 pts)



Venue: YMCA Grounds, Nandanam, Anna Salai

Classes: Nursery & Kindergarten

Date: 04.08.2018

Time: 9am to 12noon

Sport is usually governed by a set of rules and customs, which serve to ensure fair competition. In San we always encourage students to participate in physical activity, in which students observe, learn, understand and perform. August 4 th sports day theme for nursery, kinder garden and class 1 was “Nursery rhyme”. Students rendered a grand parade headed by school band, it was a visual treat to Watch tiny tots waving their prop candy, star, jingle bells and four seasons in sequential line. Students surprised us with their old McDonald, Rain rain go away and instrumental drill. They never left audience empty all were amazed to see the way they performed their individual class display events. They learnt to stay strong mentally, never had fear to move forward. Coordination by children was phenomenal. All the winners were given certificate and medal as a token of appreciation.


Venue: YMCA Grounds, Nandanam, Anna Salai

Classes: Class II - ClassVIII

Date: 04.08.2018

Time: 2.00 P.m to 6.00 p.m

The more difficult the victory ,the greater the happiness in winning. Apart from commemorating victories, sports meets also aim at imparting lessons on sportsman spirit and camaraderie to children. San Academy, Kamakoti nagar commemorated its second Annual Sports day on 4th of August 2018 at the YMCA grounds Nandanam, Chennai with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. The renowned international basket ball player Mr. Justin Gnanaraj graced the occasion with his august presence by accepting our invite to preside over as the chief guest for the occasion. The chief guest and Principal Mrs.Ganga Natarajan also took the salute of the impressive march past of the students ,coupled with some stirring marching music by the band. The students entered into the spirit of the occasion with the oath being administered by the sports captain. The most intriguing aspect, embellishing the event, was the splendid field displays,drills, involving mass student participation, which splattered on the field, a riot of hues and vibrance based on the theme “traditional games”. A peppy and energising drill by the students of class VI-VIII was a phenomenal show. Students of class IV and V with their colourful and vibrant fans mesmerized the audience with a great show. Students of class II and III displayed a majestic show dressed as goats and tigers. Students of class II-VIII competed in events including sack race, skipping, tire rolling, nadai vandi race, nungu vandi race, turban tying, seven stones, uppu mootai, head balancing, three leg walking, two leg hopping. Fun time with fathers and mothers events added to the enjoyment.Once the races began, the air was filled with cheering and tons of encouragement for the young athletes. Each drill and display event was uniquely designed and meticulously planned, which was witnessed as the culmination of weeks of arduous training under the able stewardship of our teachers. Those who emerged victorious on this day were beguiled and applauded by all present at the venue. The chief guests for the occasion and our Principal gave away the prizes to the champions of the day. It was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish. The Principal of our esteemed institution thanked all the coordinators, teachers for their cooperation and support and advised children to keep up their sportsman spirit. The day ended with a cheerful note, heralding the year 2018, filled with promises for all the young sports enthusiasts.

The winners in different categories are:

1 Champion House : AGNI
2 Runners Up House : PRITHVI
3 Best house in March Past PRITHVI
4 Runners Up House in March past: AGNI
5 Individual Champions – BOYS : BADRI NARAIAN.P, VB (Junior) & SRI HARSHA PITANI, VIIIA (Senior)
6 Individual Championship – GIRLS: MADHUMITA PILLA, VB(Junior), SHREYA S , VIB (Senior)



Venue: YMCA Grounds, Nandanam, Anna Salai

Classes: Nursery, Kindergarten & Class I

Time: 9.00 a.m to 12.00 noon

Date: 27.07.2019

Sports Day brings new energy in the hearts and minds of the children. This day is marked with great joy and discovers the inner talent of a child in the field of sports. Sports stresses on the importance of coming out and putting in physical effort that directly reflects on the health and fitness of the participants. Mass drill help in large muscle co-ordination resulting in physical wellbeing apart from inculcating sportsmanship, leadership, unity, competitive spirit among the child. The 3rd Annual Sports day was held on Saturday, 27th July 2019 for Kindergarten and Class 1 students with lots of excitement and enormous enthusiasm. On this special day San Academy Kamakoti nagar felt proud and blessed with the presence of our beloved Managing Director R Archana , our multifaceted chief guest_Dr Pon Anbarasu and all the dignitaries, parents, well-wishers and friends. Growing up in an urban environment, there’s one thing we know our children are missing out on…Yes, it is “the farm “and the activities associated with it. The farm is where our food comes from and livestock reared. It’s all about hard work and knowing Mother Nature. The children of Kindergarten and class I chose a rustic theme “Down at the Farm “as their 3rd annual day theme. The Guest of honour was Dr. Pon Anbarasan, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Physical Education at Tamilnadu Physical Educator and Sports University. The day began with flag hoisting by our Chief Guest, followed by a special and colourful Parade by our KG and Class 1 children. The children welcomed the gathering to the Rustic theme – “Down at the farm” by waving colourful flowers, veggies, fruits and farmer’s tools. It was a pleasure to see the tiny tots of KG participating in various track events with lots of enthusiasm. The track events were also based on the theme, like, lets go swimming, Riding a pony, Sowing seeds, pumpkin harvest and many more. The Class 1 students not only participated in 50 and 75 metre dash but also on the theme - over the haystack ,riding a bike, tisket tasket flowers in a basket with full energy. The audience witnessed fascinating and splendid drills. The ancient form of martial arts, Silambam, and self-defense techniques of Karate were demonstrated by the students of class 1. There were special games arranged for parents too. Parents participated with full energy with their wards cheering them. The chief guest in his address shared his own experience and spoke about the importance of sports in schools. Everyone realized that when children participate in school sports, it provides a sense of belonging and being part of a group enables them to work in a team. The sports day came to an end by lowering the school flag and singing the National Anthem. At the end of the day we were thrilled to see the enthusiasm among both parents and children


Venue: YMCA Grounds, Nandanam, Anna Salai

Classes: Class II to IX

Time: 12.00 noon to 6.00pm

Date: 27.07.2019

“Talent wins games, but team-work and intelligence wins championships“. Sports day, a very important event in every school calendar, is a platform to show case the talent and efforts put in by the students to display their self – confidence, patience, zeal and sportsman ship The much awaited Annual Sports Day was held on Saturday, 27th July, with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. As the chief goal of SAN ACADEMY Group of schools is to bring all-round development for the students; sports has been introduced from Pre KG itself. Our Sports Day always revolves around a theme. After a widespread survey and extensive contemplation it was decided on “National Games of the World”, to introduce a few selected National Sports, Games of different nations and some popular sport as well. After a great deal of planning and training the day commenced with epitome of energy, colour and style. The Guest of honour was Mr. Johnson Selvanayagam Former Volley Ball player (FCI), he has also been Tamil Nadu coach for several years nurturing young talents. The hoisting of flag was followed by March past, coupled with some stirring marching music by the band, the Olympic torch was lighted by the School Sports Captain, Sri Harsha Pitani of Class IX the solemn oath taking and the declaration of the Sports Meet open by our Chief Guest, the track events and the drills commenced. It was a delight to see the excitement with which children challenged themselves to attempt variety of races like the sprint, middle distance race and the relay. The display track events featured different national sports and games. One could witness meticulous planning and execution of the events, making each event unique. Exclusive innovation could be seen in the games of lacrosse, badminton, archery, gymnastics, swimming, boxing, shooting, golf, hockey, dribbling the ball, weightlifting, slow cycling, skating, etc. The audience could witness splendid field drills, drills which blended with the track events. The ancient form of martial arts, Silambam, and self-defense techniques of Karate were demonstrated by the students. Each technique was described by the announcer for those who were not in the know-how of the same. Games were kept for parents too. Parents who had been so encouraging and cheering our students all long had their moment of glory on the field with their wards cheering them on. The Chief Guest, in his address reminisced about his school days and how he always wanted to play for his country. He spoke about the importance of having self belief, being focused and goal oriented. The day was filled with exciting victories and near misses for all the houses. At the end of the day everyone present realized that sport is and should be an integral part of everyone’s life. Sports help us lead a healthy life and also teach us how to play honestly, win honorably, loose gracefully, respect authority, how to adjust with others, learn management and importance of time in the long run. At the end of the day, students departed with a clear smile on their faces. It was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish.

Keep Looking for the Updates

6th ANNUAL SPORTS MEET 2022-2023


Classes: KG, GRADE 1 TO 2 & GRADE 3 TO 12


Date: 24.7.2022

“Sport builds and reveals the character of humans. It also serves as a great teacher, mentor, and motivator.” It goes without saying that Sports are and should be an integral part of everyone’s life. Sports day, a very important event in every school calendar, is a platform to show case the talent and efforts put in by the students to display their self – confidence, patience, zeal and sportsman ship. The much awaited Annual Sports Day of San Academy Kamakoti Nagar was held on Sunday, 24th July, at the YMCA grounds, with great passion, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere.

The different sections of the school had their own theme. The KG’s dwelled on ‘Travel n Explore’. Travelling is an amazing way to learn a lot of things in life. The saying “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”, is spot on. Classes 1 and 2 gave us an insight on ‘The Festivals of India’. The parade was related to their theme as they arrived in their costumes and apt props, thus generating a keen interest amongst the audience. We had the Ethnic Egyptians with their scepter pharaohs, Chinese haizimen greeting us with the Chinese lucky charm and beautiful lanterns and India welcoming us with our national flower Lotus.

The props, such as pom poms, Chinese fans and diyas, added colour to the drills. They accentuated movements and added sparkle. It was an extravagant expression of colours.

Our Minor track events were designed to complete an activity associated with our festivals and rituals. We had the Harvesting festival with sickle, sugarcane and basket; lagori; Egypt Kings and Queens ready to adorn the ornaments and appease their Gods for good luck and blessings; Sighting of the new moon marking the beginning of the holy calendar of Muslims using moon and stars; Raksha Bandhan an occasion to signify the love, care, affection had laddoos and rakhi; Krishna’s butter, pot; Decorating the Christmas tree with Big and Small stars and bobble; Creating a multicoloured scarf for Holi; Homecoming of the legendary King Mahabali using the crowns and the umbrellas; Modhaks and Vinayak masks; and finally the Diya, rocket and sweets. Other props used were the Stacking blocks, Baskets, low hurdle and hula hoops.

As the chief goal of our school is to bring all-round development for the students, the chosen theme for classes 3 and above was “Health and Fitness”.

Their drill included Zumba, that involved highly choreographed movements set to upbeat salsa and international music, Rhythmic gymnastics and Pole drill which showcased the fitness aspect of the theme. Yoga, Food pyramid where children asserted the importance of healthy food created pyramids as various fruits and vegetables, accentuated the significance of health. Skills were exhibited in the form of Karate and Silambam. Robustness was displayed with the help of lezims. The grand finale revealed their expertise, flexibility and vigor with the help of cycles. They were joined in by their dance master towards the end. Every single drill made use of muscle co-ordination resulting in physical wellbeing apart from inculcating sportsmanship, leadership, unity, competitive spirit among the child.

A display event is an organized task where a child has to go over, under, and through a series of things and objects to reach from one end of the course to another. This activity can be beneficial as it involves lots of physical activity, including jumping and rolling. It represents beauty, grace and delicacy. They needed ingenuity, expertise, endurance and skill for execution. Meticulous planning could be witnessed on track. They used props like hula loops, low hurdles, rope ladder, yoga mat, ball, huge dices among others. Before the commencement of each event various attributes of the event was listed out by ensuring that the onlookers had an idea of how ‘Health and Fitness’ fit into them.

The sporting specter was declared open by Dr Maran, Indian Badminton player and Sobikha a national gold medallist for Carrom, in the morning and Mr. British Babu, an ex Army official and former basketball player in the evening. It was a moment of pride when the newly elected Student council carried the dignity of the school on their young shoulders and helped conducting this spectacular extravaganza. With the usual components of hoisting the flag, March past (which was accompanied by the glorious beat and vigorous march of the school band), the Olympic torch, lighting the torch and solemn oath taking, the much awaited track events and the drills commenced.

It was a delight to see the excitement with which children challenged themselves to attempt variety of races like the sprint, middle distance race, the relay and the display events, which featured various track events. The winners did not have to wait long for their medals as the prize distribution followed immediately after each set of events. While the masters of ceremony kept the audience updated on various activities throughout the day, ample support was given by track anchors by relaying live commentary from the track.

Parents who had been so encouraging and cheering our students all long had their moment of glory on the field with their wards cheering them on.

The day was filled with exciting victories and near misses for all the houses. At the end of the day everyone present realized that sports help us lead a healthy life and also teach us how to play honestly, win honorably, loose gracefully, respect authority, how to adjust with others, learn management and importance of time in the long run.

The winners in different categories are:

7th ANNUAL SPORTS MEET 2023-2024


Classes: KG, GRADE 1 TO 2, GRADE 3 TO 5, GRADE 6 TO 12


22.07.2023 & 29.07.2023

“The five S’s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength in, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit..” Keeping in mind that sports, stresses on the importance of coming out and putting in physical effort that directly reflects on the health and fitness of the participants, San Academy Kamakoti Nagar makes the Sports Day a regular feature in the Academic Calendar. The event, inculcating sportsmanship, leadership, unity, competitive spirit among the children, had the students from Classes III to XII showcase their skill at the YMCA Grounds on 22.07.2023 while Classes I - II along with nursery and the kindergarten demonstrated their prowess at the DB Jain grounds on 29.07.2023, .We had four different themes for our Sports Day 'GEOMETRY IN NATURE' for Nursery and Kindergarten, 'CHAK DE INDIA' for classes I & II, SPORTING SPRINT for Classes III - V and finally 'CHALLENGING GAMES' for classes VI - XII.

While the march past was led by the School Head Boy, Rohan Dinesh, and Head Girl Harinee, the Olympic Torch was lit by Sports Captain Vasanthakumar who followed it by the oath. The occasion was accompanied by the glorious beat of the band and the dignity of bunnies, cubs, bulbuls, scouts and guides. The students who were part of the world record on the International Yoga Day (continuously doing suriyanamaskar for 23 minutes), were rewarded that day for their efforts. Taking advantage of the fact that kids have dynamic learning capabilities that are enhanced by their observation skills, basic shapes and colours were used in the parade for the theme 'GEOMETRY IN NATURE'. The parade used props such as a tent, candle, gift box, spider web, mushroom and chilli to denote different shapes around them. For the theme 'CHAK DE INDIA', the march past paraded the representatives of 28 states depicting the salient features of each state. They had taken their position during the finale drill when the curtain came down and the students formed an Indian map. The students from classes I to XII entered the arena house-wise in their proud colour led by the House Captains and the Assistant House Captains.

Creative activities help children to develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness and reasoning. These skills were tested in the display events as shapes including diamond, hexagon, cube, rectangle were used to encourage the students to make a kite, solve a puzzle, construct using blocks and act as honey bees to build their hive and collect nectar. These display events can be beneficial as it involves lots of physical activity, including jumping and rolling. It represents beauty, grace and delicacy. They needed ingenuity, expertise, endurance and skill for execution. Meticulous planning could be witnessed on track. They used props like hula loops, low hurdles, rope, yoga mat, ball, jig saw pieces, stacking rings, among others for classes 3-5. Before the commencement of each event various attributes of the event was listed out by ensuring that the onlookers had an idea of how the respective theme fit into them. They walked on coconut shells, played Lakhoti, Seven stones, polo and other local games popular across the country.

The drills were really eye-catching. The Junior Kg gave a breath-taking performance with props (cut-outs of common items) signifying the shapes circle (orange), oval (kiwi fruit) and triangle (sliced watermelon) . The energetic shining stars from Senior Kg lighted up the ground. We had the regional essence in Dhols, Lezims to the beat of a thundering beat leading to a boisterous display by the participants from classes I and II. The students from Classes IV - VIII used props like sporting equipment, bats, cubes, steppers, colourful cloth and poles for energetic drill presentation. As the chief goal of our school is to bring all-round development for the students, we have professional trainers for both Karate and Silambam. The students displayed their skills to the audience present much to the pleasure of proud parents. Apart from these two martial art forms, also on show was Kalaripayattu (using cardboard weapons) by class III. The finale drill captured the attention of one and all as it dwelt on the IPL. We had players and cheerleaders for both Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings vying for the coveted trophy. Mr. Anbarasan gave an authentic look to the programme by acting as an anchor

This spectacular extravaganza was the result of tireless effort of our Physical Director Mr. Manikantan, Physical trainer Mr. Muthu Balakrishnan, Karate Master Mr. Kumaran, Silambam Master Mr. Satish, the Aerobics Master Mr. Dinesh, with a strong support, guidance and inspiration provided by our Principal mam Mrs. Ganga Natarajan from the moment the idea had taken root till the execution level. They were also assisted by the respective coordinators during the entire organization of the event.

Our Chief guests Mr. Elamvazhudhi, an Indian kabaddi player, Ms. Indumathi Kathiresan, an Indian football player, Mr. R. Balasubramani, an International Volleyball player and Mr.Mr. Mohamed Ishan, HOD – PHYSICAL EDUCATION at Lalaji Memorial Omega International School, a football player, emphasized that sports are an incredibly important part of our culture, and athletes are not only famous, but also have a lot to teach us about life. They enlightened the kids that sports give us the opportunity to be our best and push our limits, as they can teach us much about life and about ourselves. They appreciated the competence displayed by the students. They were very impressed by the display of such small children and appreciated the effort they put in to make the event a grand success.

It was a delight to see the excitement with which children challenged themselves to attempt variety of races like the sprint, middle distance race, the relay and the display events. The winners did not have to wait long for their medals as the prize distribution followed immediately after each set of events. While the masters of ceremony kept the audience updated on various activities throughout the day, ample support was given by track anchors by relaying live commentary from the track. Parents who had been so encouraging and cheering our students all long had their moment of glory on the field with their wards cheering them on.

The day was filled with exciting victories and near misses for all the houses. At the end of the day everyone present realized that sports help us lead a healthy life and also teach us how to play honestly, win honorably, loose gracefully, respect authority, how to adjust with others, learn management and importance of time in the long run.

The winners in different categories are: